哈哈哈,国外网友对iPhone 11的吐槽来了!最中枪的果然是……
2019-09-11 来源: 】 浏览:次 评论:0




Apple has unveiled the iPhone 11, a cheaper model that comes in new colors and starts at $699. The iPhone 11 Pro and Pro Max are higher-end models that boast three cameras on the back and advanced video tools, and start at $999 and $1,099, respectively.

苹果推出了iPhone 11,价格相对较低,有多种颜色可选,起始售价为699美元。iPhone 11 Pro和Pro Max为高端机型,背面拥有三个摄像头和高级视频设备,起价分别为999美元和1099美元。

Apple's iPhone 11 Pro features an improved camera system, with three cameras on the back and better battery life than previous models.

Apple的iPhone 11 Pro 拥有更加高级的相机,背面有三个摄像头,比之前的型号具有更好的续航能力。

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